2 Timothy & Titus is one of the newest volumes in the Reformed Expository Commentary Series that is published by P&R. This volume is authored by Daniel Doriani and Richard Phillips. Phillips also happens to be one of the series editors, and Doriani is the New Testament editor.
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2 Timothy & Titus (Reformed Expository Commentary Series)
Let me mention at the outset that I absolutely love this series! I own every volume that has been released thus far, and I consult them regularly. I use them when I teach or preach the Bible, but more than that, I consult them as I’m reading through the Bible on a daily basis. They are devotional in nature, making them accessible to both pastors and lay persons. They certainly deal with technical and critical issues at times, but that is not their aim. These volumes are very pastoral in tone and helpful to living the Christian life before the face of God.
In this volume, Doriani is the commentator for the book of 2 Timothy, and Phillips is the commentator for Titus. They are both master exegetes who are most competent to teach and preach the Word of God. As you read these chapters, you will get the sense that you are listening in from the front row of the church, sitting under the teaching and preaching of these godly men.
These commentaries are first preached from pulpits before being put into book form. There is of course a huge place for technical commentaries, but these pastoral/devotional commentaries are such a blessing for the church!
These commentaries are definitely designed to help pastors preach and teach the Word of God, but 2 Timothy & Titus are considered the pastoral epistles (written from Paul to other men in the pastoral ministry). For this reason, pastors will especially benefit from this volume. Doriani and Phillips are pastor-scholars, and they are beyond qualified to be writing this volume. Don’t be scared off if you’re not a pastor, however. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (Timothy 3:16-17). That means that even the pastoral epistles are for every follower of Jesus Christ.
Your heart will indeed be stirred up to worship the living, Triune God as you read through the pages of this book! This is perhaps the biggest reason that I love this series in general. They will challenge you to live by grace for the glory of God. They will encourage you to watch your doctrine and your life very closely. We all need that, every single day.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: buy anything you can from the Reformed Expository Commentary series. You will be better off for it. Tolle lege, take up and read!
Disclaimer: My thanks to P&R for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review. The opinions expressed are my own.
Matt became a joyful follower of Jesus at the age of 21. He is very grateful to be a husband to Lindsey, and a father to four boys. He is an ordained minister (teaching elder) in the PCA. He previously served as a pastor of biblical counseling and is currently a corporate chaplain in southern Delaware. Matt received his Master of Divinity degree in Biblical Counseling from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and holds an advanced certification in biblical counseling from the Association of Biblical Counselors. In his free time, he loves playing with his boys, traveling with his wife, and reading (and buying!) books.
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