Zach Keele is the author of The Unfolding Word: The Story of the Bible from Creation to New Creation. Keele is a pastor at Escondido Orthdox Presbyterian Church as well as a lecturer at Westminster Seminary California. This book is published by Lexham Press.
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The Unfolding Word: The Story of the Bible from Creation to New Creation
This is an extremely fascinating book! I don’t believe that I’ve ever read one quite like it. I have tons of books on my shelves, with the overwhelming majority of them being about Scripture. Yet, this one is quite unique. It’s an overview of the eternity of the Bible, working from Genesis to Revelation.
It’s not as advanced as my Old and New Testament intros, but it’s also not watered down to the point of just giving outlines and basic information. It’s somewhere in between, and it reads very differently than the other resources that I have. This book is adventurous! It reads very quickly, and you just won’t want to put it down. You’ll always want to know what’s about to happen next. And I believe that’s the purpose of Keele’s writing this book: he wants you to be enthralled with the unfolding Word of God, with the story of God’s redemption in this sin-cursed world.
This book is only 13 chapters long, and it comes in at 350 pages. Each chapter tackles a cluster of Bible books at a time. It is clear that Keele knows his Bible well, and that he is competent to teach the Word of God. He majors on showing the big picture of God’s Word throughout this book, while also diving into the details at times. Speaking of details, I enjoyed the many graphics/illustrations that were peppered in throughout the book. They were very good teaching aids.
I think this book will serve as an excellent source for brand new believers in Christ (as it will help them to rightly understand the story of the Bible), but it will also serve mature Christians well. Keele includes study questions at the end of each chapter, and I really found them to be useful and worth the time considering. This book is sure to serve the church well! I highly recommend it to you. Tolle lege, take up and read!
Disclaimer: My thanks to Lexham Press for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review. The opinions expressed are my own.
Matt became a joyful follower of Jesus at the age of 21. He is very grateful to be a husband to Lindsey, and a father to four boys. He is an ordained minister (teaching elder) in the PCA. He previously served as a pastor of biblical counseling and is currently a corporate chaplain in southern Delaware. Matt received his Master of Divinity degree in Biblical Counseling from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and holds an advanced certification in biblical counseling from the Association of Biblical Counselors. In his free time, he loves playing with his boys, traveling with his wife, and reading (and buying!) books.
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