Evangelical Press (EP) has published an excellent commentary series called the “EP Study Commentary” series. The editor is John Currid, who happens to also be the author of the Genesis volumes which this review is in regards to. Matt CoverMatt became a joyful follower of Jesus at the age of 21. He is very grateful […]
{Book Review} The History and Theology of Calvinism
EP (Evangelical Press) Books has published a book that deserves to be on the bookshelf of every serious Bible student, pastor, church historian and theologian! It is called The History and Theology of Calvinism, and it is written by Curt Daniel. Matt CoverMatt became a joyful follower of Jesus at the age of 21. He […]
{Book Review} With These Words: Five Communication Tools for Marriage and Life
Good communication skills are essential in marriage, and we could all improve in this area! Whether you’re engaged or already married, this book will be a helpful resource! Matt CoverMatt became a joyful follower of Jesus at the age of 21. He is very grateful to be a husband to Lindsey, and a father to […]
{Book Review} Colossians and Philemon (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament Series)
One of my personal favorite commentaries is the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (BECNT), published by Baker Academic. I really appreciate their approach: technical exegesis, working with the original Greek, dealing with critical issues, and yet very readable and understandable for the layperson. This review is for the newest volume in the series: Colossians […]
{Book Review} Titus For You
Titus For You is written by Tim Chester and published by The Good Book Company. Chester provides excellent commentary on each and every verse found in the book of Titus. Matt CoverMatt became a joyful follower of Jesus at the age of 21. He is very grateful to be a husband to Lindsey, and a […]