Do you desire a closer relationship with your husband? Want to deepen your own faith and prayer life? (Me too!) Take this FREE challenge to pray specifically for your husband for 7 days!

Prayer is essential to Christian living, as it is how we communicate with the God we claim is our Lord and Savior, the One who created us (Psalm 139:13) and loves us (John 3:16).
Prayer — both spoken and inaudible — is talking to God humbly and with a thankful heart, wanting to worship Him and seek His desires in all facets of our lives, as his ways are better than our own (Isaiah 55:8-9).
We recognize God’s sovereign care of us when we pray, and place all our fears, hurts, inadequacies, and desires in His hands. God’s all-loving character means that He always desires the best for us, and will work for our good (Romans 8:28) — even if His good is not what we view as our good!
Why is Praying for Your Husband Important?
The Bible commands us to “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) about “all kinds of prayers and requests” (Ephesians 6:18). All kinds of requests most certainly includes our marriage!
Below are a few ways prayer benefits your marriage:
- Praying as a couple invites Christ into your marriage to shape you into what God desires for you individually to be. This brings glory to God!
- Prayer draws you and your husband closer to Christ and to each other. Unity in your marriage directly combats Satan’s schemes to cause dissension!
- Praying for your husband shifts your focus more towards God’s heart, purpose and glory in your husband’s life, and away from your own fallible ideas of who your husband “should” be.
Personally, I have noticed that during the times I’ve been in consistent prayer for my husband, the sinful thoughts I’ve had about my husband (holding a grudge, wishing he would change, etc.) are removed from my mind and I’m more focused on God’s work in his life.
Humbly praying for your husband helps you to see him as the Christian man that God wants him to be. And God’s best is always FAR better than we could ever imagine!
Ironically, even concerns I’ve had in my mind, which I never spoke about to my husband, were resolved through prayer before I even brought them to my husband’s attention! This shows how the Lord used my own surrender of myself before Him to remove what was not of Him (i.e. that which may have only sparked conflict in my marriage). Hallelujah!
Related Article: Marriage Goals (and Why You Need Them)
Take the Challenge: 7 Days of Praying for Your Husband
We’re hosting a FREE challenge to encourage Christian wives to pray for their husbands for 7 days! This is a FREE email challenge based on Scripture, so you will receive daily emails to encourage you to pray for the various needs and responsibilities of your husband — based on biblical teaching.
Areas of prayer include:
- His sanctification
- His leadership
- His integrity
- His needs
- His service to others
- His job
- His health
How the Challenge Works
- Click the button below to sign up for the FREE 7-day challenge.
- Participants will receive one email per day. Each email will include Scripture verses and a sample prayer for you to pray relating to one specific area of your husband’s life. As time allows, study the verses and surrounding text (the entire chapter, book of the Bible, etc.) for your own deeper understanding.
- Pray for your husband using the provided prayer in each email.
- Re-write the provided prayer (or your own personalized prayer) in a notebook or journal.

Lindsey Cover is a chaplain’s wife and stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of four sweet boys. She and her husband, Matt, have served in various church ministries over the past fourteen years. They currently live near the beach in southern Delaware.

[…] 7-Day Pray for My Marriage Challenge: Do you pray with your spouse, for your spouse, and/or for your marriage? In the last year, my husband and I realized that we do not pray together. We pray individually and always have since we were at least teens, but not as a couple, nor as a family. Once we realized that, we started to change it. And our relationship has grown as a result! Here’s a 7-day prayer challenge for your marriage. […]